HARBINGER Gets Reviewed!

The reviews are rolling in for Harbinger... some favorable, some not as much. But we'll take the good with the bad and keep on carving out our own path! So, if you fancy a read (or a watch) about your newest favorite album, check out some of the links below! We will update this list as more kind folks take the time to review Harbinger. Do you know of any that we missed? Let us know!

METAL STORM - https://metalstorm.net/pub/review.php?review_id=17801

JOE'S METAL MANCAVE - https://youtu.be/ATI9zt5vdjg

METAL DIGEST - https://metal-digest.com/2022/08/03/sleestak-harbinger/

THE SLEEPING SHAMAN - https://www.thesleepingshaman.com/reviews/sleestak-harbinger/

MUSIPEDIA OF METAL - https://musipediaofmetal.blogspot.com/2022/08/reviews-jack-starrs-burning-star.html

METAL IN VEINS - https://youtu.be/dkF0L2Ng_YE?t=780

BREAKING AND ENTERING - https://breakingandentering.net/2022/07/28/audio-sleestak-harbinger/

HAPPY METAL GEEK - https://happymetalgeek.com/news-sleestak-to-release-new-album-harbinger-26-july-via-altrusian-grace-media/


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