EP Out Now, Contest, And New Show Added

So, the Book Of Hours EP is out now...go grab yourself a copy in either limited run CD format or digital download. Head on over to Bandcamp now and show us some stoner love. If you like it please tell your friends to get it as well because the money goes right back into making the next album - and trust me, we are already working on it and it's going to blow away every other Sleestak recording in terms of epic doomness. So yeah, we are definitely and independently FAN supported and we couldn't be happier with that!
(on a side note, the CD is delayed by about a week due to some mis-communication with the duplication company. We apologize for the inconvenience)

Want to win a FREE copy of the new EP? Here's what you do:
Listen to the songs "Appeasing The Gods" and "Blacklight Communion" and be one of the first three people to correctly identify 2 of the movies the samples in the songs were taken from.(There's actually 3 movies, but one of them is from the trailer). Think you're a fan of awesome 60's and 70's underground B-cinema? Prove it.
First person to respond gets the CD/Poster package w/digital download.
Second and Third to respond get download codes for the digital version.
If you can, please put "Sleestak Contest" in the message header.

Lastly, we decided to do a show this summer! Here's the details:
7/26/2013 - Sleestak w/Mercian, Sardonyx
The Wisco, 852 Williamson St, Madison, Wisconsin 53703

Facebook event page:


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